How To Start Running? The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

How To Start Running? The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

Are you ready to take your first steps into the world of running? If so, you've come to the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of starting your running journey. Whether you're looking to boost your fitness, shed some pounds, or simply experience the thrill of running, this guide is tailored just for you.

Running is an accessible and cost-effective exercise that offers numerous benefits, especially if you're new to the world of fitness. When you start running, you'll discover a host of advantages, including improved cardiovascular health, increased energy levels, weight management, and a boost in overall mood and mental well-being. What is the best part? You don't need expensive equipment or a gym membership to get started.

How To Start Running?

Getting Ready

Choose the Right Gear

  • Running shoes

Invest in a good pair of running shoes that provide proper support and cushioning. Visit a specialty running store for a fitting to find the right shoe for your foot type. Ensure they're the right size, allowing a thumb's width of space between your longest toe and the end of the shoe.

  • Comfortable clothing

Choose moisture-wicking, breathable fabrics to keep you dry and comfortable during your run. If you are running outside, dress in layers to accommodate changing weather conditions.

  • Running App:

Consider using a running app on your smartphone to track your time, distance, and progress. Running on a smart treadmill that can connect to the fitness apps.

Setting Realistic Goals

Before starting, you should understand your current fitness level, and then create a simple running plan for yourself.

Starting Slow


arming up before you start running is essential to prepare your body for exercise, prevent injury, and enhance your performance. Here's a simple warm-up routine you can follow:

Dynamic Stretching:

Dynamic stretches are active movements that increase your heart rate and circulation while loosening up your muscles. Consider the following dynamic stretches:

  • Leg Swings:

Stand next to a wall or a sturdy support. Swing one leg forward and backward, keeping it straight, for 10-15 swings. Repeat with the other leg.

  • Arm Circles:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms straight out to the sides. Make small circles forward for 10 seconds, then backward for 10 seconds.

  • High Knees:

While jogging in place, bring your knees up as high as you comfortably can, alternating legs, for about 30 seconds.

  • Butt Kicks:

Jog in place again, this time trying to kick your butt with each stride for about 30 seconds.

Your warm-up routine should last around 10-15 minutes, depending on your personal preference and the weather conditions. If it's cold, you may want to spend a bit more time warming up.

Proper Running Technique

Running Posture and Form

Maintaining the correct running posture and form is crucial for both running efficiently and preventing injury. Here's a guide on the proper running posture and form:

  • Foot Strike:

Aim for a midfoot strike rather than striking with your heel or forefoot. This encourages a more natural and efficient stride.

  • Cadence:

Strive for a cadence of around 170-180 steps per minute. A higher cadence can reduce the risk of overstriding and decrease the impact on your joints.

  • Stride Length:

Keep your stride length comfortable. Overstriding (taking too long of a step) can lead to injury. Focus on increasing your cadence rather than the length of your stride.

  • Hip and Pelvic Movement:

Engage your core muscles to maintain stable hips and a balanced pelvis. This prevents excessive side-to-side movement and energy waste.

  • Knee Lift:

Lift your knees slightly as you run, but don't exaggerate the motion. The lift should be a natural part of your stride.

  • Foot and Ankle Flexion:

Flex your foot and ankle as you push off the ground, allowing for a smooth, efficient stride. Avoid dragging your toes or landing on a flexed foot.

  • Breathing:

Breathe rhythmically and deeply. Focus on a pattern that matches your stride, such as a 2:2 (two steps inhale, two steps exhale) or 3:3 pattern.

  • Relaxation:

Keep your body as relaxed as possible. Tension in your body can lead to inefficiency and discomfort.

  • Landing and Push-off:

Land softly, with your foot under your center of gravity. Push off with power to propel yourself forward. The push-off comes from the hips and glutes.

  • Consistency:

Maintain your form throughout your run, especially as you become fatigued. This is when poor form can lead to injuries.



Tips for Rhythmic Breathing:
  • Establish a Breathing Pattern:

Find a breathing rhythm that works for you. Many runners find a 2:2 pattern effective (inhale for two strides, exhale for two strides) or a 3:3 pattern for a slower pace. Experiment and find what feels comfortable.

  • Breathe Through Your Nose and Mouth:

Use both your nose and mouth for breathing. Your nose filters and humidifies the air, while your mouth allows for a larger air intake during intense running.

  • Stay Relaxed:

Keep your facial muscles and neck relaxed. Tension can restrict airflow.

  • Practice Deep Breathing:

Inhale deeply into your diaphragm to maximize oxygen intake. Your chest and shoulders should remain relatively still while your diaphragm expands.

  • Exhale Completely:

Ensure you fully exhale to expel carbon dioxide from your lungs. Incomplete exhalation can lead to shallow breathing.

  • Focus on Exhaling During Exertion:

Concentrate on a strong exhale during your most strenuous moments, such as when pushing up a hill or sprinting.

  • Control Your Breathing Rate:

Match your breathing rate to your effort level. Slow, deep breaths work well for slower paces, while faster paces may require quicker, shorter breaths.

Avoiding Side Stitches:
  • Warm-Up Adequately:

Always begin your run with a warm-up. Gradually increase your pace to allow your body to adjust to the physical demands of running.

  • Proper Hydration:

Dehydration can contribute to side stitches. Ensure you're adequately hydrated before your run.

  • Avoid Large Meals Before Running:

Eating a large meal right before running can increase the likelihood of side stitches. Try to eat at least 1-2 hours before your run and opt for easily digestible foods.

  • Core Strengthening:

Strengthen your core muscles with exercises like planks and side planks. A strong core can help stabilize your torso and reduce the risk of side stitches.

  • Gradual Intensity Increase:

When increasing the intensity of your runs, do it gradually over time. Sudden, intense efforts can lead to side stitches.

  • Correct Posture:

Maintain proper running posture to prevent undue stress on your diaphragm and abdominal muscles.

  • Controlled Breathing:

Focus on rhythmic and controlled breathing. Rapid, erratic breathing can increase the risk of side stitches.

  • Breathe from the Diaphragm:

As mentioned earlier, focus on diaphragmatic breathing. This not only helps with oxygen intake but can also reduce the likelihood of side stitches.


Preventing Injuries

Preventing injuries during running is crucial for maintaining a safe and enjoyable experience. Listening to your body and practicing proper rest and recovery are key components of injury prevention. Here's how to do it:

Listening to Your Body:

Identifying Warning Signs:
  • Pain vs. Discomfort: Learn to distinguish between normal muscle soreness or discomfort and actual pain. Running might cause discomfort, but pain is an indicator that something may be wrong. If you experience persistent, sharp, or localized pain, it's essential to pay attention to it.
  • Pain Locations: Be aware of common trouble spots, such as the knees, ankles, shins, and hips. Frequent pain or discomfort in these areas could be a sign of an underlying issue.
  • Changes in Form: If you notice sudden changes in your running form, it could be a sign of fatigue or injury. Maintain good posture and form, and be mindful of any changes.
  • Swelling or Inflammation: Keep an eye out for swelling or inflammation in specific areas. This can be an indicator of overuse or injury.
  • Chronic Fatigue: If you consistently feel exhausted or unusually fatigued, it may be a sign that you're not allowing your body enough time to recover.
  • Recurring Injuries: If you've had a previous injury, be cautious and attentive to the same area. Recurring injuries often indicate underlying issues that need addressing.

Rest and Recovery:

  • Regular Rest Days: Ensure that you incorporate rest days into your running schedule. Rest allows your body to repair and rebuild, reducing the risk of overuse injuries.
  • Listen to Your Fatigue: If you feel unusually tired, give your body the rest it needs. Pushing through excessive fatigue can lead to overtraining and injury.
  • Cross-Training: Add cross-training activities like swimming, cycling, or strength training to your routine. These activities provide variety and reduce the repetitive stress on your body from running.
  • Proper Warm-Up and Cool-Down: Always warm up before your run with dynamic stretching and cool down with static stretching to prepare and recover your muscles and joints.
  • Hydration and Nutrition: Stay properly hydrated and consume a balanced diet with the right nutrients to support your recovery.
  • Sleep: Get enough quality sleep to aid in the recovery and healing of your muscles and tissues.
  • Stretching and Foam Rolling: Incorporate regular stretching and foam rolling to improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension.
  • Listen to Professional Advice: If you experience persistent discomfort or pain, consult a medical professional or a sports therapist. They can help diagnose and provide guidance on injury management and prevention strategies.


SupeRun encourages you to start your running adventure with patience and persistence. Whether you're running for fitness, stress relief, or the sheer thrill of it, you'll discover a newfound sense of accomplishment with every step you take. Be kind to yourself, listen to your body, and never stop pushing your boundaries. Your running journey is uniquely yours, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

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